About Highlights Media

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Communicate your message professionally

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Trust The Results

Our Process


A conversation to determine what your needs may be.


We craft an initial proposal that addresses those needs. When the proposal is accepted, we meet, plan and create the final contract.


With a signed contract, down payment, we then create a workflow, shot list, schedule, interview questions and/or scripts.


We film, announce, edit, create graphics, and send drafts for review. Revise as needed and deliver the final.

We Bring Your Story to Life

video production chicago

From Concept to Creation, We Deliver High Quality Video Tools

We’d love to start the conversation regarding your project and the costs associated with it. However, providing a quote is a process that depends on determining your needs and then determining project requirements. We will need details before a quote can be given. Get in touch and we’ll get back to you soon. We look forward to hearing from you!

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